Enrolment Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.I’m enroling for *a Childan Adulta Nursery School (eg. Baby Bums)Aqua AerobicsName of Nursery School *This is a legally binding contract between Leigh’s Swimming Academy (“LSA”) and the parent/guardians of the child and is aimed at establishing the rules and conditions of enrolment to ensure comprehensive communication and mutual understanding for the mutual benefit for all parties involved. The information that you provide below will be kept in the strictest of confidence, used solely for the purpose of the learner’s participation at LSA and will be destroyed when the learner is no longer a student at LSA.Parent/Guardian detailsName & Surname *ID Number *Contact Number *Email *Physical Address *Child’s DetailsNumber Of Children *1234Child 1 DetailsChild’s Name *Date of Birth *Child 2 DetailsChild’s Name *Date of Birth *Child 3 DetailsChild’s Name *Date of Birth *Child 4 DetailsChild’s Name *Date of Birth *Any medical conditions? *YesNoPlease provide more details about the condition (Condition name, medication etc. and name of child if enrolling for more than on child) *Preferred Class Days *MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayPreffered Class TimesMondays Time *Tuesdays Time *Wednsdays Time *Thursdays Time *Fridays Time *Saturdays Time *This is a legally binding contract between Leigh’s Swimming Academy (“LSA”) and the adult swimming student (hereinafter interchangeably referred to or addressed as “Learner, swimmer, student, you or your”) and is aimed at establishing the rules and conditions of enrolment to ensure comprehensive communication and mutual understanding for the mutual benefit for all parties involved. The information that you provide below will be kept in the strictest of confidence, used solely for the purpose of your participation at LSA and will be destroyed when you are no longer swimming at LSA.Student detailsName & Surname *Email Address *Physical Address *ID Number *Contact Number *Date of Birth *Any medical conditions? *YesNoPlease provide more details about the condition (Condition name, medication etc.) *Details for EmergenciesNext of Kin *Doctor’s Name *Contact Number *Doctor’s Contact Number *Medical Aid DetailsMedical Aid Name *Medical Aid No *Medical Aid Types *Preferred Class Days *MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayPreferred Class TimesMondays Time *Tuesdays Time *Wednesdays Time *Thursdays Time *Fridays Time *Saturdays Time *I’ve read and agree to the Privacy Policy</a> *I’ve read and agree to the Privacy Policy *I’ve read and agree to the Terms & Conditions *I’ve read and agree to the Terms & Conditions *I’ve seen and agree to the fees with in the T&Cs *I’ve seen and agree to the fees within the T&Cs *1. Fees (please see T&Cs) Please note that fees are due in cash on the first lesson of the month. Kindly put the fees in an envelope, with your details on and amount you are paying. 2. Absence from lessons Please note we do not offer “make up lessons”. Lesson fees are calculated on a 4 week month. Those months that have a 5th week will be considered as make up lessons. We close half way through December (date to be finalised by your instructor.) and therefore December will be charged at half, similarly for January.IndemnityAdults *I hereby consent to the following *I, the adult swimming student (full name and ID number stated above) declare that the above information is correct at the date and time of completing this enrolment form (stated below).I hereby consent to participating in swimming lessons at the premises of Leigh’s Swimming Academy, at my sole risk. While every precaution will be taken for my safety/welfare and for the care of my possessions by Leigh’s Swimming Academy, I hereby indemnify all persons, Leigh’s Swimming Academy and all other organisations associated with the activity, from any or all claims of whatsoever nature that may arise from any participation on the said premises, should any prejudice, loss, damage, illness or injury occur to me, unless such loss is caused by the gross negligence, wilful misconduct or personal dishonesty of the Academy and any associated persons mentioned above. I furthermore appoint Leigh’s Swimming Academy staff to act on my behalf, in case of an emergency, should the need arise. Furthermore, I authorise the Instructors of Leigh’s Swimming Academy to obtain emergency medical assistance which they deem necessary should the need arise, and I agree to pay all expenses incurred on behalf of me. I authorise Leigh’s swimming Academy to also contact my emergency contact person as filled above. I agree that this indemnity shall commence on the date of my signature below and remain in force for the duration of my enrolment with Leigh’s Swimming Academy.Aqua Aerobics *I hereby consent to the following *Agree to participate in Aqua aerobic classes at the premises of Leigh’s Swimming Academy, at my sole risk. While every precaution will be taken for the safety and welfare and for the care of my possessions by Leigh’s Swimming Academy, I hereby indemnify all persons, Leigh’s Swimming Academy and all other organisations associated with the activity, from any or all claims of whatsoever nature that may arise from any participation on the said premises, should any prejudice, loss, damage, illness or injury occur to myself, unless such loss is caused by the gross negligence, wilful misconduct or personal dishonesty of the Academy and any associated persons mentioned above. I agree that this indemnity shall commence on the date of my signature below.Date This Waiver Was Made *I confirm that the above is correct and approved. *I confirm that the above is correct and approved.Child *I hereby consent to the following *I, Parent/Legal Guardian (full name and ID number stated above), hereby consent to my/our child/ren (names stated above) Participating in swimming lessons at the premises of Leigh’s Swimming Academy, at my sole risk. While every precaution will be taken for the safety and welfare of my child/ren and for the care of his/her/their possessions by Leigh’s Swimming Academy, I hereby indemnify all persons, Leigh’s Swimming Academy and all other organisations associated with the activity, from any or all claims of whatsoever nature that may arise from any participation on the said premises, should any prejudice, loss, damage, illness or injury occur to my child/ren, unless such loss is caused by the gross negligence, wilful misconduct or personal dishonesty of the Academy and any associated persons mentioned above. I furthermore appoint the Leigh’s Swimming Academy staff supervising any activity organised by the Academy, to act in loco parentis in respect of my child/ren should the need arise. Furthermore, I authorise the Instructors of Leigh’s Swimming Academy 'to obtain medical assistance which they deem necessary should the need arise, and I agree to pay all expenses incurred on behalf of the above child/ren. I agree that this indemnity shall commence on the date of my signature below and remain in force for the duration of the learners enrolment with Leigh’s Swimming Academy.Date This Waiver Was Made *I confirm that the above is correct and approved. *I confirm that the above is correct and approved.Submit